How a man with vision and compassion restored hope to an injured nurse.

Diana La Monte’s life changed forever 4 years ago when she was assaulted whilst on duty and  her life as she knew it destroyed. She lost her mobility and her independence. Diana, a licensed practical nurse, went from caring for others to being in need of care, a complete role reversal. She was devastated mentally and physically.

Diana lives in Parksville and like a lot of Islanders one of her joys was to walk on the beach. To feel the energy of the wind, the rain, the sun on her face and the sand and the surf beneath her feet. Such a simple, basic reconnection with nature, right at her doorstep, but now it was gone.

Or was it?


Then along came Jon.

Jon Pimlott is an amazing character; he has the ability to recognise what is required to assist with a problem in any given set of circumstances.

Jon’s talent however goes way beyond that; having identified an issue, he creates whatever is needed to correct that challenge with the materials at hand.

Jon doesn’t try to design a Swiss watch when a sundial will do.

Simplicity is at the heart of his designs.

Thank you Jon for who you are and what you do.

The following video is a great example of his philosophy in action.


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