John Hellum December 2009

John Hellum, Man About Town

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After Holiday Feast

It was the night before Christmas, and I felt like a souse

From cocktail parties I attend, house to house.

The champagne was flowing- Krug, Tattinger,

In the morning I’d feel it I’d pay – de rigueur.

The punch bowl, set on the buffet, was large,

So large in fact, it could float a great barge.

The hors d’oeuvres were plentiful and set out with care,

You could tell from the garnishes, Martha Stewart had been there.

As we sampled the pate, there rose such a clatter,

It seemed one of the help had just dumped a platter.

But the hostess was braced, from her not a peep

After all it was a rental, and the glassware was cheap.

With manner adroit, sang froid smile slipping only a smidge,

She simply pilled another platter out of the fridge.

Resuming my ‘dishing of guest and food,

I found myself feeling in gay, festive mood.

I returned to the buffet to sample some more,

Of the hot curry sambal, and canapés galore.

Puff pastry and phyllo encased tasty things

Like sundried tomatoes, spiced pork, chicken wings.

A vegan’s delight was proffered, with such dishes

That went beyond loaves and mock tofu fishes.

It would not be replete without mention of sweet

Of chocolate confections and marzipan treats.

In the centre there rose a great croquembouche

Made with custard filled cream puffs…

which will augment your tush.

There was chocolate, and chocolate and more chocolate,

I swear

I could not find Jell-O in that house, anywhere.

Its guises were many, from tortes to ganache

All were displayed with flair and panache.

The party wound down at half past eleven

Coffee was served, the aroma was heaven.

The hostess was down to her last toothy smile

It struck me how much it resembled white bathroom tile.

My glass was empty, there was no more food.

To enquire about more might seem a bit rude.

I surveyed the scene and found it quite daunting.

Only diehards were left the conversation- found wanting.

I found my chapeau and without further delay

Bade “Merry Christmas to all” and went on my way.

When I got home, and tucked into bed

Visions of sugarplums danced in my head.

Of course it was disco, a hyper club beat

So take my advice, after you eat.

Don’t lie recumbent, trying to sleep

Or, into your slumber, digesting nightmares will creep,

Of parties from Hell, where they serve cheese-whiz and drink beer

So, sleep sitting up, and have a happy New Year.

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