World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

The United Nations writes……. “It represents the one day in the year when the whole world voices it opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on some of our older generations.”

Elder Abuse is a big concern, not just in BC but in the whole world!

Enough that the United Nations General Assembly, has designated June 15th of every year – as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

Become Aware & Talk about it with your Family. Help Shine a Light on this Global Issue

The Victoria CRN is part of the BC Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN), whose

mandate is to work with communities, agencies, and the government to develop a coordinated response to cases of abuse and neglect of elders and vulnerable adults.

Elder abuse is widely under reported. It is a difficult subject and there is a lot of shame attached to it.  The Ministry of Health reports as many as 10% of BC seniors will experience some form of abuse in their later years. One in 12 seniors will experience financial abuse caused by close family members or trusted friends.

Calls regarding abuse are up over 20% during the pandemic due to the increased isolation of individuals.

In Greater Victoria, the BC CRN is represented by 4 Community Response Networks – Victoria, Saanich

Peninsula, Westshore and Southern Gulf Islands. They all provide free workshops to their community to build

awareness of abuse, neglect and self neglect.  They can help the public and community workers recognize the signs of abuse, and identify how to take action.  The 4 CRNs highlight the need for prevention activities that allow seniors in the community to live in safety and dignity.

Watch for the downtown Victoria, BC Legislature alcove lights and the surrounding fountain lights to turn purple on June 15, shining a light

on this serious concern. The legislature will also fly the purple WEAAD flag that day to raise awareness and to draw attention to this grave concern.

We all have a role to play in creating safe, supportive communities that we all want to live and grow old in.

Just like it takes a community to raise a child, it also takes a community to keep its members safe.


Mer,dia contact: Cari Taylor

Regional Mentor for South Vancouver Island and Southern Gulf Islands CRNs


BC Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN)

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