Who are we?

Island Voices, seniors 101 promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island.Find a quiet place, close your eyes; take a deep breath and relax. Think pleasant thoughts. of friends, loved ones or favourite places.

On this labour day morning we need to take stock of who we really are at this moment in time. Who are we? As individuals, as a family member, as a member of our local community and as a Canadian.

We are being forced fed a daily overdose of politically caused trauma from all around the world, including here north America. This trauma includes the devastation humans are inflicting on nature.

Courtesy of modern media we are now witnessing of the fruits of the labour of generations past. There is no point in pointing fingers at decisions and actions taken by others 300 t0 400 years ago. We cannot re-write history but we must learnt from it.

To quote Maya Angelou : –  “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”

We must do better.

Island Voices, seniors 101 promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island.We do not have to follow the fife and drum anymore. We have the power and the right to think for ourselves and act accordingly In Canada that re-evaluation should start on October 19th 2015.

Roy Summerhayes.


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