Tips for Finding a Family Doctor on Vancouver Island

Tips for Finding a Family Doctor on Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island, like many parts of Canada, is facing a shortage of family doctors. The government attributes this to our aging population and younger doctors desiring a work/life balance. However, the main issue is the difficulty in recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals.

If you are trying to find a family doctor, it may take you a long time, even years. But with a systematic approach, research, and some good luck, you can find one. And if you can’t, there are some good alternatives.

Here are some ideas, tips, and resources to help you in your search for medical practitioners:

Call Medical Clinics:

Call different medical offices and ask if they are taking on new patients. Even if they aren’t, request they take your name and contact information down so they can contact you if an opening comes available. Also, ask if they know of any doctors who are accepting patients.

Get a Referral from Family or Friends:

Ask for a referral from friends or family members who have a family doctor they trust. If they do, find out if they would be willing to mention you are looking for a physician. Their doctor might be willing to take you on at their behest.

Use an Alternate Form of Primary Care:

Naturopathic doctors and nurse practitioners are licensed healthcare providers who can prescribe medication and provide a range of health services. Walk-in clinics and telemedicine doctors are also good options.

Naturopathic Doctors

In B.C., naturopathic doctors (NDs) are licensed and regulated healthcare providers. They can prescribe and administer certain medications such as vitamin and mineral supplements, botanical medicines, homeopathic remedies, and other natural health products. However, NDs in British Columbia are not authorized to prescribe certain medications, such as narcotics or controlled substances.

Nurse Practitioners

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are highly trained healthcare providers with advanced education and clinical training that enables them to provide a range of health services, including prescribing medications. NPs are an excellent alternative if you are struggling to find a doctor. Learn more about NPs and the role they now play in the health of our community.

Walk in Clinics

Many people opt to rely on walk-in clinics when something is wrong with their health.  The website Medimap is a good resource to find out which clinics are open, how long the wait is, and whether it is at capacity.

Telemedicine Doctors

Telemedicine has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and is expected to continue to grow as a viable healthcare option in the future.

Telemedicine doctors provide consultations, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care to patients through videoconferencing or phone calls. This is an excellent alternative for people with limited access to traditional healthcare services or for those with mobility issues. However, it isn’t suitable for everyone. Island Health provides telehealth locations and discusses if this would be a good option for you.

More Resources:

HealthLink BC, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, and the Victoria and Nanaimo Seniors’ Directories are all excellent resources to help you find a family doctor or other medical practitioners.

HealthLink BC can be reached by calling 811

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC)

The Seniors’ Directory

We’ve created an invaluable directory will help you find all manor of specific medical help, support groups and contact information.

Remember to be patient and persistent in your search. It’s important to have a doctor you feel comfortable with and who can meet your health needs.

Article by Mathieu Powell
Coastline Marketing Inc


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