Foreign Objects

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July 2012

This column is for fun. Over the years, we’ve seen a raft of things that pets have gotten into and they show up on radiographs. Here’s a sampling:

This dog ate a coin, what turned out to be a penny. The dog below went straight to the rocks with three at least. Both of these cases were solved with surgery to remove the foreign object.

Then, there are the ones with more taste, that is, for gloves. You can see it outlined in the stomach with air. This Bull Mastiff required surgery to remove it, but he did fine.

Here’s an interesting one. This dog had a bladder stone about the size of an egg. We took it out and this Dachshund did fine.

And, a dog with a very serious condition. This dog had bloat and we can see a large, air-filled stomach. This dog did not make it.

Here are a few more to finish off: A cat that ate a needle. A dog that ate a rubber duckie, and another that wanted to eat the keys so dad couldn’t go out without him.




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