Mile Zero Services Purchases “Changing Places Victoria”.

After over 20 years in the business of transitioning seniors and their accumulation of “stuff”, Changing Places owner, Jane Dewing decided to transition herself into retirement.

Mile Zero Services, is happy to announce the purchase of her company to complement our other service company ,”On The Move Seniors”.

“Both companies share the same values to seniors in need of relocating” says MZS owner John Procopio.

Jane will continue on part time for a year and complete the synergetic transition.

On the Move Seniors is solely dedicated to the retirement residences sector, while Changing Places specializes in downsizing homes for relocation as well as servicing the MLS network on Vancouver Island.




Mile Zero Services opens charity Thrift Store.

MZS is very excited to announce a joint venture with ANIMALS FOR LIFE SOCIETY , to open a new thrift store to take our donated household items to.

AFLS rescues animals in distress and repurposes them to caring animal lovers.

Together we will be repurposing lives and diverting items that would normally go to the landfill.

Seniors 101 Vancouver Island Voices


John Procopio
On the Move Seniors Inc

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