Does Your Big Toe Wonder What Your Ear is Thinking?

Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.  The other day I was walking though a beautiful forest with  a dear friend of mine. The sun was shining and the day was amazing.

As we strolled along the pathways that wind their way through this piece of woodland paradise, called Francis King Park, we found ourselves face to face with a giant of a tree – an old growth fir tree. This is part of what makes this forest so special; these ancient trees towering over the forest, holding their own against loggers of the past and everything we throw at them today. If you have ever stood beneath one of these trees you know how humbling it is to look up into their heights and marvel at their age and grandeur.

My friend and I placed our hands on the thick bark at the base of this tree. We both experienced a sensation of calm, of timelessness and of processes deep within the body of the tree that we could not see on its surface. It was at this point, as I looked up into the top of this tree that I began to feel as though I were on a boat upon the waves, rocking back and forth even as I stood so still. It was dizzying and disorienting and in that moment I wondered,  “Does the trunk of the tree know what the top of the tree is  experiencing? Do the roots of this tree know that the sun is shining today; can they feel the warmth from the top branches; are they aware of the sway of the cones and the needles in the wind, so very far above them? And do the tips of each branch know how cool and dark the soil is? Can they feel the worms and the beetles moving among the roots and crawling over the bark?”

As I pulled my hands away from the tree and the world stopped spinning I had another thought, one that made me laugh out loud: “Does the Big Toe Wonder What the Ear is Thinking?

Have you ever stopped to wonder at all the various processes that are going on, right now, in your own body, that allow your body to function? Think about it for a moment – breathing, digesting, feeling, thinking, your heart beating, blood being made, your reproductive systems, co-ordination, memory…each process, and so many more, going about their busyness each day and night, in their own worlds, doing their own thing, possibly, vaguely aware of each other – or perhaps fully in tune, running such a well oiled machine that each process flows without any hesitation, resistance or malfunctions.

And then take this awareness beyond yourself and imagine all the processes that allow the earth to function; rivers and oceans, deserts and forests, rain and wind; trees, soil, animals, gravity, heat, cold, lava, erosion – always in constant movement and flow.

Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.  You see, the tree my friend and I touched, your body and the Earth all share something – the ability to know what the ear is thinking. More than wondering, you can know, when you allow yourself to become still and use your amazing imaginations to connect with the millions of processes which are happening all around you, within you and without you.

Take a moment today to ask your big toe if it knows what your ear is thinking, then ask your ear if it’s right! Open your intuition to the answers and have fun with them. And if you don’t know how – ask me!
Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.Megan Edge
Psy-chick Healing Studio, Master Healer, Intuitive Counsellor,  Educator and Author
Megan’s Website

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