Decluttering Your Home to Get Ready to Downsize

Decluttering Your Home to Get Ready to Downsize

As a Downsizing Specialist, I am often asked where to begin the process.  The feeling of being overwhelmed by all that needs to be done can lead some to just not bother and stay in their home.

Nothing wrong with that, as we live longer I am seeing more people decide to stay in their home as long as possible.

However, if you have decided that the this is the right time then decluttering is a good first step. How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.   Try these 4 steps.

  1. Allow twice as much time as you think it will take. Six months to a year would be idea
  2. Do one room at a time, if that’s too much just do the closet in that room divide possessions into 4 categories, definitely save(most useful, most beloved, possibly save(revisit these later and continue paring down), donate sell or giveaway and discard. Use coloured tags or stickers (eg, green=save, orange=possibly, blue=donate, red=discard.
  3. Don’t allow your adult children to use your home as a storage unit. Now is the time for them to claim their keepsakes-old sports trophies, posters
  4. Throughout the process, try to limit this to one or two hours/day. Take the time need to reminisce about the items you find.

One more note the larger furniture items you hope to sell are generally not worth what you hope they will be, consider donating them to a needy family.

For a copy of “Downsizing a Home: A Step By Step Plan, email

Downsizing Specialist Ian Thompson SRES in Nanaimo, BC - Seniors101Ian Thompson SRES
(Seniors Real Estate and Downsizing Specialist)
Remax of Nanaimo

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