Seniors 101’s Newsletter


Click on a link below to view our previous newsletters.

August 2024
Hearing Health and Communication Practices

July 2024
Seniors need public transport on Vancouver Island.

June 2024
Ageing Matters: Listening to B.C. Seniors

April 2024
BC ombudsman cuurrent report highlights

March 2024
Senior Safety for Phones and Internet

January 2024
Great news update about the federal dental plan.

October 2023
Help others by spreading good news stories

August 2023
Useful information when planning to down size.

July 2023
A way to help with staff issues

June 2023
You can pick up the 2023 Victoria Seniors Directory from these retail outlets.

May 2023
Mom & The Church of Tim Hortons.

March 2023
A new sponsor for Seniors 101’s Helpline

February 2023
An amazing example of love as experienced by an Island Woman in a most unexpected setting.

January 2023
Have we become 21st century peeping toms

New Years Day 2023
After 10 years I still enjoy great pleasure and satisfaction from owning and publishing Island Woman magazine.

November 2022
Island Woman magazine features and actively supports and encourages women in business on Vancouver Island.

October 2022
Seniors 101 continues to  grow and change with time, just like us.

September 2022
B.C. Seniors have the lowest incomes in Canada

August 2022
A time to pause and rethink who we are as Canadians.

June 2022
Island Woman magazine has 4 new writers

May 2022
The Hidden Workforce

April 2022
Just Another Indian: A Serial Killer and Canada’s Indifference

March 2022
Pets offer comfort during Covid 19

February 2022.
A cry for help.

January  2022..
Support Island Farmers

January 2022
Food for thought

November 2021
An exciting new program to encourage children to read.

October 2021.
The New Nanaimo Seniors Directory is now available on-line and in print.

September 2021
Your Community  Needs YOU!!!

August 2021
After the turmoil of the past year or so I’m sure we all have stories and happenings that we will always remember.

July 2021
The human brain, the first computer

May 2021
The vaccines are coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 2021
Great news from Island Crisis Care Society

March 2021.
Exclusive Free Offer from Seniors 101

February 2021
The pandemic had one silver lining.

January 2021
Seniors 101 New look for 2021

November 2020
Support groups are needed now more then ever 

October 2020
Island Woman Magazine will actively support and encourage all the women  candidates on Vancouver Island that will be running in the upcoming October 24th 2020  provincial election.

September 2020
Seniors 101’s Nanaimo Seniors’ Directory is now available.

August 2020
Nanaimo Seniors’ Directory goes to print September 1st.  

July 2020
Assistance for small online businesses and shoppers  

June 2020
Help restore independence to those with mobility issues.

May 2020
True Stories of Trailblazing Women of Vancouver Island 

April 2020
Assistance offered to help small Island business’

March 2020.
Smiles & laughter needed now to fight virus gloom 

February 2020.
Exciting Seniors 101 and Vancouver Island Now updates’

December 2019.
In 2020 let’s concentrate on our communities.

November 2019
Elderly Friendly Community Network in Victoria 

October 2019.
Now we face the most important election question of all: –

September 2019
We are delighted to announce that Seniors 101 now has its own YouTube channel.

August 2019
A Summer Feast

July 2019
One woman’s journey

June 2019
The joy of visiting Chemainus Podcast

May 2019
Summer skin care

April 2019
On-line shopping & videos


February 2019
The Gift of Hearing

January 2019

December 2018
Seniors 101’s NEW PODCAST!!!

October 2018|
Taking care of our caregivers.

September 2018
Women Candidate 2018 Municipal Elections

August 2018
Cyber bullying needs to be addressed

July 2018
CanAssist at UVic changes challenged people’s lives

June 2018
Seniors are the key to solving labour shortages

May 2018
We are so diverse and informative.

April 2018
The Courage Of One Island Man.

March 2018
To Touch or Not to Touch

February 2018
We Need  To Laugh At Ourselves More Often.

January 2018
2018 a new year and new ideas. 

December 2017
The Sacredness Of Giving & Receiving at Christmas

November 11th 2017
We will Remember Them.

October 2017
End of Life Services.

September 2017
Words to ponder and live by.

August 2017.
Wild Fires, it’s time for us to act.

July 2017
Your Bank May Be Cheating You.

June 2017
Exciting Gardening Ideas

May 2017
Important information about breast cancer

April 2017
The Orcas need your help Now.

March 2017
Seniors 101 declares winter is over.

February 2017
Seniors 101, Island Woman magazine & Vancouver Island Now new combined newsletter

January 2017
Seniors 101′ says Thank You to you.

November 2016
Seniors 101’s wake-up message to politicians

September 2016
Seniors 101 Exciting New Helpline

August 2016
Make a better make future for yourself.

July 2016
Bad News For B.C.’s Seniors

June 2016.
Buy Cowichan Valley Farm Products On-Line

May 2016
New “Hobbies & Craft” section.

April 2016
Sharing Your Story.

March 2016
Changes aim to keep seniors independent for longer

February 2016
Seniors Advocates report – Monitoring Seniors Services.

February 2015
Seniors Advocate’s 2015 review

November 2014
Comment: How can we lower drug prescription costs?

September 2014
Erased from Public History 

July 2014
Celebrating “Island Woman”

April 2014
Humpback Recovery at Risk 

February 2014
Carole James: Standing Up for Seniors 

January 2014
Intervener Status for the Proposed Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion 

Return  to the top of the page.

December 2013
Merry Christmas 2013 

October 2013
Editorial – Save Island’s Small Farmers 

July 2013
Arts and Alzheimer’s – How do you do that?

June 2013
Anney’s Closet 

May 2013
Federal Pensions and Benefits

April 2013
Adrian Dix: Change for the Better: One Practical Step at a Time

March 2013
Jane Sterk, Green Party of BC: Voting for a More Diverse and Collaborative Legislature 

Return  to the top of the page.

November 2012
Arts & Alzheimer’s 

October 2012
Will Canada’s Pacific Coast Become the Tar Sands Shipping Port?

September 2012
Introducing “Island Woman”

July 2012
When Life Hands You Lemons: The New Science of Positive Thinking 

May 2012
The Elephant Sanctuary

March 2012
BC Ombudsman’s Report: The Best of Care

January 2012
Disability Tax Credit

December 2011
Christmas Card

November 2011
Christmas 2011 — Birth of a New Tradition

October 2011
Partnering to Launch SAFE

August 2011
An Evidence-Based Policy Prescription for An Aging Population

May 2011
I Treasure Video Productions

March 2011
Justify rate increases and smart meters, Coleman tells utility

February 2011
Billions in Government Benefits Unclaimed

January 2011
‘Faster, better, cheaper’: Canadian geneticist pioneers breast-cancer research ‘pipeline’

Return  to the top of the page.

November 2010
Remembrance Day 2010: Comments from Colonel (Retired) John Ambler to Courtenay Elementary School Students

October 2010
Speak Up!

August 2010
Seniors 101 Success

June 2010
Support Island Farmer

May 2010
Oceanside Health Care Center

April 2010
Effects of the HST

March 2010
BC seniors: You can help stop the HST

February 2010
Go Canada Go!

January 2010
Alzheimer Society of British Columbia: A Rising Tide of Dementia in B.C.
Opinion Editorial – Ed Helfrich, BC Care Providers Association CEO, Jan 20, 2010: Silver Tsunami No Longer in Forecast – The Grey Wave is Here

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December 2009
Christmas 2009 Message

November 2009
The Harmful Sales Tax — As presented to Seniors 101 by Bill Vander Zalm

October 2009
Local Food after the Markets Close

August 2009
HST – Devastating to Seniors

July 2009
The Future of Seniors Health Care on Vancouver Island

June 2009
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

May 2009
Levels of Care in Seniors Facilities – Liberal Party Plans

April 2009
BC Provincial Election: May 12th, 2009

March 2009
Health Care

February 2009
Norwalk Virus

January 2009
Caring in the Community

December 2008
Building on What We Have

November 2008
It’s Our Birthday!!!!

October 2008
Magnificent North Vancouver Island

September 2008
Vancouver Island Vineyards

August 2008
Buying Local

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