Island Voices – Island Talk

“The Act of Doing Nothing is Really Quite Something”

We live in a culture of doing.   We are on constant full throttle, multitasking, carrying on four different conversations at once, thoughts flying a hundred miles an hour.  And all this busyness is a wonderful coping mechanism for not dealing with or looking at the things in our lives that need shifting.  I hear so…

Today is the International Day of the Older Person and National Seniors Day, a day set aside in the year to acknowledge the contributions of seniors worldwide. As B.C.’s seniors advocate, I am encouraging a celebration of our senior citizens in this province. It may be your dad, your mom, your grandparent, or maybe it’s you we are celebrating. Click here to read the complete article.

A River’s Day Letter & Request to All BC Party Leaders – an article by Laurie Gourlay , President, VICCS Vancouver Island & Coast Conservation Society, BC’s Heritage River System, & Invest in a BC Rivers Foundation “With a mandate to foster appreciation and support for our rivers and watersheds throughout the province …we are specifically requesting that the BC Heritage Rivers process be re-opened for new nominations