A New Sense of Hope
As we approach this Christmas I sense that there is a new sense of hope, not just on the Island but across Canada.
As we approach this Christmas I sense that there is a new sense of hope, not just on the Island but across Canada.
This video explains 4 ways to check why your dog may be smelly .
How Will I Teach My Children To Save The World When I Can’t Even Save My Own Back Yard?
VICTORIA, BC — Join us for some fun-filled festivities this holiday season in Centennial Square. The free family entertainment is presented in partnership with the Downtown Victoria Business Association (DVBA).
We live in a culture of doing. We are on constant full throttle, multitasking, carrying on four different conversations at once, thoughts flying a hundred miles an hour. And all this busyness is a wonderful coping mechanism for not dealing with or looking at the things in our lives that need shifting. I hear so…
The other day I was walking though a beautiful forest with a dear friend of mine. The sun was shining and the day was amazing. As we strolled along the pathways that wind their way through this piece of woodland paradise, called Francis King Park, we found ourselves face to face with a giant of…
Does your dog ever look like he is having trouble breathing, gasping to get air in, and yet a minute later, he is all fine? It could be a reverse sneeze. Take a look at this webinar to see what to do about it. Dr. Louise Janes D.V.M. & Dr. Jeff Grognet D.V.M. Mid-Isle…
Have you ever wondered whether it makes more sense to pay off your mortgage or to contribute to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)? Perhaps you’re expecting to receive some extra money from an inheritance or an employment bonus, and you’re not sure which route to take.
The magic of fall on Vancouver island.
http://seniors101.ca/category/island-voices/ As B.C.’s seniors advocate, I am encouraging a celebration of our senior citizens in this province. It may be your dad, your mom, your grandparent, or maybe it’s you we are celebrating. Click here to read the complete article.