Decay Of Canadian Representative Democracy —A Personal Odyssey
This is an incredible story . I suspect there are many who will not believe the following:
This is an incredible story . I suspect there are many who will not believe the following:
Greater Victoria has plenty going for it: fine weather, an eclectic mix of amenities and plenty of lifestyles. If you’re thinking of moving here, have you considered buying a brand-new condominium long before you arrive?
Snow has arrived, and more is upon us, with special weather statements being issued for most of Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland
Yes, it snowed; today it’s raining; most every day is dark and sunless … but … the perfect day is close at hand to raise your spirits! If you’re gardener, whether novice or old hand, save the date for that magical day, SEEDY SATURDAY! Mark it on your calendar now, if it’s not already there…
They bring a wealth of knowledge to continue the excellent service that has made McBides such an important and integral part of our community.
Wilson Group, which operates much of Vancouver Island’s bus services through its companies Wilson’s Transportation and Tofino Bus, says passengers are now primarily being picked up at the curbside after closing five bus depots in 2019.
Killer whales native to the waters of northern B.C. and Alaska are selectively eating millions of large, nutritious chinook salmon long before the fish make their way to the feeding grounds frequented by our dwindling southern resident killer whales, according to new research.
The B.C. Seniors Advocate, Isobel Mackenzie, today released the Monitoring Seniors Services 2019 (MSS 2019) report. The report, published annually, measures the performance of senior services across health care, housing, transportation, income supports, and personal supports.
Thank you for your e-mail of November 27, 2019, addressed to the Minister of Health, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, on your concerns with the health care system in British Columbia.
Dear Minister, in recent years I have noticed a deterioration in heath care services here in British Columbia notwithstanding the many capital projects of bricks and mortar. Wait times to see a specialist have increased and wait times for certain surgeries have not improved.