Newsletter – September 2012
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September 2012
Seniors 101 is delighted to announce the birth of its sister web site, Island Woman.
Drawing upon the experience we have received over the 7 years running Seniors 101 we are very proud to introduce its sister web site Island Woman. Our users and advertisers over that time have been incredibly generous with their feedback to us regarding their use of 101. Their comments, both good and bad, have been invaluable and were instrumental in our growth with regards to its content, style and ease of use. We are constantly being told that we are easy to read and easy to use and we have now taken that knowledge and used it as the base for building Island Woman. Thank you for all the help and encouragement you have given us.
Trish and Roy Summerhayes
Introducing Island Woman
Introducing Island Woman, a newly created website focusing on topics and issues intended to pique the interest and serve the needs of the women of Vancouver Island …
Island Woman will attempt to blend the commonality of women everywhere with the uniqueness fostered by Island living. The website will offer enough diversity to appeal to a woman at any stage in her life cycle – from career options to child care, fashion to finance.
Everyone seems to agree that there is a uniqueness to living on an island … from the camaraderie of ferry culture to the delicious feeling of distance from the issues and problems of the mainland. But does that mean that Island women themselves are distinct and unique? We are really just a short hop from the mainland and surely we are not immune to the challenges and issues common to women no matter where they reside. So, if in fact Vancouver Island women have unique and distinct needs and interests, what is it that defines that uniqueness?
We’d like your input in answering this question and indeed in shaping the future of Island Woman in such a way that the information and articles presented truly meet the needs of our readers. Please click and reply and give us your thoughts:
- Do you feel the women of Vancouver Island are unique and if so, what makes them so?
- As an Island woman, what topics would you like to see featured on this website?
Please email us with your thoughts at
Our hope is that, through ongoing interaction with our readers, Island Woman will grow and evolve into the type of website that our Vancouver Island women can truly call their own.

Diana Matsuda
Editor of Island Woman