Newsletter – March 2012
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March Newsletter for Seniors on Vancouver Island
The second part of an extensive review conducted by the Ombudsperson of British Columbia into the care of seniors in this province has just been released. Whilst it is a large report it is broken down into sections and is very easy to read. The ‘Findings’ and ‘Recommendations’ are stated in such a way that there can be no doubt at all as to what is being said, not even for bureaucrats, policy makers and politicians.
The dedication in this report is very poignant: “This report is dedicated to seniors in British Columbia who require care and support and their families and friends. It is also dedicated to the hardworking people who provide care to seniors in British Columbia.”
The office of the Ombudsperson of B.C. Kim S. Carter wrote the following for Seniors 101 as an introduction to this newsletter which features her report, The Best of Care: Getting it Right for Seniors in British Columbia (Part 2).
Roy Summerhayes, Tel. 250-752-4837
The Best of Care
While travelling the province and meeting with British Columbians in 2008, Ombudsperson Kim Carter heard from many seniors and their family members concerned about how seniors were cared for in BC. The Ombudsperson decided to launch a systemic investigation into seniors care in the province. The response we received from the public was unprecedented in our office’s history.
In February of 2012 the Ombudsperson released The Best of Care: Getting it Right for Seniors in British Columbia (Part 2). The 400 plus page report makes 143 findings and 176 recommendations designed to improve home and community care, home support, assisted living and residential care services for seniors. It builds on the 10 recommendations made in Part 1 of the report, released in 2009. The report focuses on key areas where significant changes are needed and includes many recommendations that can be implemented in the near future. The Ombudsperson states, “we need to provide a renewed commitment to some of the most deserving and vulnerable members of our communities; a commitment that focuses on their needs, listens to their concerns and respects their choices.”
The report can be read in overview form or in two comprehensive volumes by accessing our website, There you can also find two additional investigation reports regarding seniors’ care issues, On Short Notice: An Investigation of Vancouver Island Health Authority’s Process for Closing Cowichan Lodge and Honouring Commitments: An Investigation of Fraser Health Authority’s Transfer of Seniors from Temporarily Funded Residential Care Beds. To request a hard copy of The Best of Care, part 1 or 2, please call our office at 1-800-567-3247.
– Office of the Ombudsperson
To read an overview of The Best of Care click the following link: Report Overview
To read the part 2 of The Best of Care click the following link: The Best of Care: Part 2