Morganne Michel Pickering September 2010
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Peace Anyone?? Remember Us?? = Peacekeepers
Morganne Michel Pickering
In Harmony: Living From Your HeartMind
On September 21st each year we celebrate International Peace Day. A day designated by the UN in 1982. Over the past 25 years I have been involved in creating a community celebration; sometimes in Vancouver, or San Francisco and then here on the Island.
I am one of those people who continues to question “why” Why there is not peace everywhere, at all times?
Now I know that we all have our darker sides, our areas of anger and meanness…and yet on the whole most of us manage to get ourselves under control, take a time out and cool off.
Peace sits inside each one of us. It is a constant; in everyone, everywhere at all times. Peace is always present and is fueled by love trust and harmony. Our hearts flow with this energy constantly…until a fear takes over creating dis-agreement, dis-cord and anything un-like harmony.
While this had been going on for centuries; have we as a species not seen the extreme cost and decay of civilization because of this attitude. Are we so weak as a species, become so complaisant as a society that we constantly give our power and our very hearts and soul to a system that consistently promotes fear, does not work and brings out the worst in us all.
I do not say these things lightly…and I do suggest that we as a species were given brains, speech and feet. We do finally get to choose; and we after thousands of years know that the old way does not work. Do we really want peace? Or do we want employment, more money to create yet more weapons and kill, copping out so we don’t have to think, take responsibility and take a stand, and teach our young people a different way.
Finding our way back to peace is a maturation process and consists of: deeply listening to the other, speaking our truth, looking for and creating a new solution, opening a dialog and knowing and trusting that there is always a peaceful win-win solution to every situation.
When we realize that everyone wants happiness, a better life, prosperity and peace; we can connect with open hearts and minds to choose peace.
It takes courage to be different, speak out and up to those who are so full of fear that they only feel good when they have “power over” someone/situation. This is still the schoolyard bully given and taken to the bigger stage.
So I ask … What has Peace given you to-day…how is your life impacted by peace? Not what have you done for peace … but how do you share, teach and impact your family/ community/world with your love and peace words/actions.
Contact Morganne at 250-923-0084