Does the following resonate with you?
You get requests from your mom or dad and they need your help.
You take them to a doctor’s appointment, pick up some groceries on the way home, and answer a phone call at work to hear your mom is not feeling so good.
Your daily schedule gets interrupted. And it may seem just ‘the odd time’, but times add up. From one hour a week to 4 hours a week. To a stay overnight.
Sounds familiar?
Who are you as a Freshman Caregiver?
You’ve begun to help your family member on a regular basis, weekly, perhaps even a few times a week. Your duties range from errand-running and bill-paying to some assistance with hands-on care.
Your keyword: Find
— Find services that help.
— Find a system that keeps you organized.
— Find ways to enjoy your hobbies and interest (don’t forget about this…).
Your Challenge
To discover solutions that work.
Your Purpose
This is your entry into the caregiving role. This is your time to experiment, to get your feet wet and see what works. This is your opportunity to learn how the healthcare industry works with, or in some cases against, you. Now is the time to shape your caregiving personality.
What duties are you (un)comfortable with?
How well are you and your caree getting along?
What situations would create overwhelming stresses for both of you?
Now it becomes important for you to keep up with your hobbies and interests (you may be able only to keep the ones that you enjoy most), ensuring you have made a habit of spending time on your own, enjoying yourself.
Why ME? Why NOW?
And it is in your best interest to reach out for help…
In the next blog you’ll learn about Stage 3 of The Caregiving years, and which strategies are helpful for you to stay healthy, focused and empowered.
With love & care,
Saskia Jennings
Certified Caregiving Consultant & Educator
Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Current Phone #: 647.528.2037