Stanford Place
Stanford Place Care Campus is located is at 250 Craig Street, Parksville and is operated by the Ahmon Group.
Stanford Place is a campus of care providing Assisted Living and licensed Residential Care Services (Health Authority funded as well as private pay) in a home-like atmosphere.
Assisted Living (The Lodge at Stanford Place) is comprised of 52 suites, mostly studios with a small number of one-bedroom units that are designed with en-suite bathrooms and kitchenette areas.
The licensed Residential Care building is comprised of 182 beds on two floors with resident care units for complex care as well as dementia care. Most resident rooms are private with en-suite bathrooms and are equipped with ceiling-mounted lifts for the safety and comfort of residents and staff. Semi-private rooms are available for couples and residents who wish to share accommodation.
There are a total of 7 units, two of which are specially designed for dementia care. Each resident unit has a care center, bathing center, dining room and lounge to provide a comfortable environment for all residents and their families / visitors. Common areas accommodate a large resident activity space, (the Gardenview Room), studio, therapy services, market, hair salon, media room and resident kitchen.
Our resident mix is predominantly elderly with a variety of physical and mental challenges and diagnoses. Of the total capacity, 140 residential care beds are funded by Vancouver Island Health Authority. Access to all funded accommodation must be arranged through Health Authority staff who can be contacted at: 1-877-734-4101 (General Enquiry Line). Contact Stanford Place at 250-951-0811 or for enquiries and to book a tour.
Stanford Place Care Campus, Tel. 250-951-0811