Defending a Low Life from the Death Sentence

It’s too bad that our Canadian government must try and defend the likes of Robert Lloyd Schellenberg from the death sentence. He’s a low life. I don’t mean that he’s unworthy of basic human compassion and consideration. I mean he’s chosen the low life of addiction and drug dealing.

His first trafficking conviction was in 2003. He was sentenced for a large drug smuggling operation in 2012. The BC judge who sentenced him jail was ironically prophetic when he told Robert he was lucky to be living in Canada.

“Your country deserves much better from you. You are in one of the best places in the world to live,” he said.

Justice Neill Brown of the BC Supreme Court in Chilliwack further commented that Schellenberg “has had his chances in the past. He is either going to cure himself of his addiction and reform himself and turn off the path that he has been on or he is not.”

At the time of his sentencing in 2012, Schellenberg’s lawyer told the court he was “deeply ashamed, worried about his father and any embarrassment that he is experiencing in the community.”

Well Robert, you continued to choose the low-life’s path, ran afoul of Chinese law, got yourself entangled in political machinations, and now the entire country is embarrassed it must fight for you.

But fight for you we will.


Mathieu Powell I President
Coastline Marketing Inc.
Main Office: 778-425-4644
Sales:  250-516-6287



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