We let this little boy down and he drowned.

Island Voices, seniors 101 promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island.This little boy drowned. He didn’t live long enough to know the bureaucratic differences between the words immigrant, refugee or displaced person. We let him down because as Canadians we do know the difference. All the values that we hold dear in our society were built by people that left their homeland in search of a better life.


Food for thought.

After yet another recent dictatorial announcement regarding the senate by our prime minister I am very concerned about the direction our country is heading. I suggest we all take a moment to review the path that Stephen Harper has taken to obtain total control of our country.

He joined a fledgling political organisation that had radical ideas as to how a country should be governed. Over time he took over the leadership of this party and absorbed and dominated potential challengers around him. He then went on to be elected the leader of majority government.

Once in this position of absolute power he engineered a system whereby all the power of decision making and policy was generated and controlled by his office. He then proceeded to ridicule, ignore and belittle the foundations of our society; the supreme court, the constitution and the social values that made Canada what it was. This included domestic and international policies.

This political scenario has happened before, in Europe in1920/30s.

Canada is so much more than the myopic focus of one man. We are at a cross roads in our nations journey; please help to ensure that Canada gets back on a track that made us the thoughtful caring society that we once were.

Roy Summerhayes.

P.S. Will this letter invoke the powers contained in Bill  C-51 ?

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