The Republican Party seems to be embracing racism and Americans will soon be facing a battle for the very heart and soul of their country’s identity.
When Kayeigh McEnany was asked by the Fox News Whitehouse correspondent if she would unambiguously denounce white supremacy groups on behalf of Trump and the GOP, she refused to do so. Instead, she deflected and relitigated old Trump quotes. The Fox News correspondent was visibly angry and disappointed, then later snapped at his viewers for sending him texts asking him “how he dared to question the GOP on this matter” to which he replied “too bad, and stop blaming media for this issue.”
What do you think that tells you about the Republican Party? And even more chilling to contemplate, do you think the Republican Party has tapped the thoughts and feelings of a great number of Americans? I think they have. They are talking to the people whose support Trump needs to get reelected. These are his base supporters. And I mean “base” in every sense of the word without apology – a vast population of racists.
Do you doubt Trump and his party are racists? Let your judgement stand on his record:
• Trump started the birther conspiracy against Obama
• He took office on the promise of enacting a Muslim ban
• He promised to build a wall to keep Mexicans out
• He said there were “fine people” on both sides in Charlottesville
• He refers to the Coronavirus as the “China virus” and the “Kung-flu”
• He floated the idea that Kamala Harris is not a citizen
• He told four non-Caucasian Congresswomen to “go back to their country”
• He has gone to bat to defend Confederate flags
• He claimed a Latino judge could not be impartial
• He refused to condemn David Duke
Racism degrades and debases both the victims and the propagators. One of the tenants of racism is that it does not end its “us vs. them” mentality with the colour of people’s skin. If unchecked, this evil can quickly evolve into national fascism. White supremacy leads to the “divine right of expansionism”, hostility and war.
We Canadians feel safely distant from this conflict for the soul of America, but consider where Americans could next turn their newly “patriotic” eyes once discrimination and civil censorship drives their people to immigrate to Canada?
Sound improbable – like science fiction? I can see rising hostilities within moves and countermoves between Canada and the U.S like a game of nightmare chess:
• The U.S. government begins to force people of colour to register their status.
• Discrimination and civil censorship drives hundreds of thousands to immigrate to Canada
• During the Vietnam War, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau welcomed American deserters and draft dodgers, declaring that Canada “should be a refuge from militarism.” Perhaps Canada begins to offer refugee status to victims of racism.
• The U.S. government demands the Canadian government to deport US expatriates.
• Canada refuses.
• The U.S. uses this as a reason to build a military presence along the border.
• Tensions escalate
It is an improbable scenario, and I hope it remains so. The point is we cannot stand by and let our American neighbours fall into this racist thrall without combatting it with every means at our disposal.
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