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Deregulating the environment is bad for the economy

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices May 2014 “If we want to do what the big polluters and their indentured servants in Ottawa or Washington DC want us to do, which is treat the planet as if it was a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash as quickly as possible, have a few years…

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The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same: Neighbours Over The Years – Feud at the Sheringham Point Lighthouse

  Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices   April 2014 The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same: Neighbours Over The Years – Feud at the Sheringham Point Lighthouse It was a different world in the 1921, or was it? The Stanley Cup playoffs would still end in frustration for a Vancouver hockey team (Ottawa Senators…

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Stager vs Downsizer – What’s the difference?

Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices March 2013 You’ve loved your home, raised your kids here, enjoyed so many years being comfortable…but things have changed.  The kids have long gone, the house is too big, the yard-work is too much and it’s just simply time to move to a more suitable living situation. You look around, take…