Island Voices – Island Talk


Orphan Puppies

Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices February 2012 The reward of a well-planned and executed breeding program is the birth of healthy puppies. But whelping is not the end of the chores. In fact, once puppies arrive, the real work begins, and it’s also the time things can go wrong. If your lactating bitch becomes…


Revolution!!! Co-creating a New World!

Archive | Back to Island Voices January 2012 All revolution must come from within. Each of us, whether we live in Canada, the Middle East, the United States, Russia, China, etc…each of us comes to this “place” quietly, with resolve and intention. We may have arrived there after much contemplation, discussion with others, a concern that…


Light Energy Healing: Veterinary Frequency-Specific Low Level Laser Therapy

Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices December 2011 John Denver was right when he said “sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy”. One of the reasons you feel better on a bright, sunny day is because sunshine, a form of light therapy, makes you healthier. As of August 2010, we have been offering a remarkable…