Island Voices – Island Talk


Victoria B.C. Castle Points To Rich Heritage & Local History

  Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices The provincial capital is home to the only self-funded museum & castle which promotes tourism and history in equal measure, focusing on the Dunsmuir Family. Within the wood-paneled walls of Victoria’s bonanza castle known as Craigdorroch (pronounced CRAIG DARE awk)) there exists a century’s microcosm of local history….


Helping the Next Generation

  Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices March 2012 I just listened to an interview with mortgage broker, Peter Finch, expounding on Canada’s predicament with CMHC, Canada’s Mortgage and Housing Corporation. This is the governing body responsible for providing mandatory mortgage insurance. Apparently, should mortgage rates increase more than 1.5%, it could spell trouble for many…



Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices March 2012 A frantic mother calls her veterinarian. She’s just been told by her family doctor that her child’s ringworm came from the family cat. She’s looking at euthanasia. This may seem like a drastic measure, but in May of 2010, the Newmarket OSPCA was planning to euthanize 350…