Island Voices – Island Talk


Victoria’s Welsh Society: The Long Reach of the Welsh

Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices Victoria’s Welsh Society: The Long Reach of the Welsh What have Hong Kong, Patagonia, Oslo, and Victoria have in common? They all have Welsh Societies! There are almost 500 societies worldwide and they include choirs, language groups, and dance clubs, from Arizona and Australia to Zimbabwe. Canada alone has 43 societies…


The Veterinary Assistant Learning Center is Born

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices August 2013 This new website is designed to help veterinary assistants find the education they need. The following is a sample of the first lesson of Veterinary Assistant 1 – Becoming a Veterinary Assistant. Your Role at the Hospital The attitude and abilities of the veterinary staff can make or…


The Changing Landscape of Home Care

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices May 2013 The Changing Landscape of Home Care Last month, the Canadian Home Care Association, which is considered the voice for Home Care in Canada, released the 2013 ‘Portraits of Home Care in Canada’ report.   Released every five years, this extensive report is a reflection of how critical home care is…


Indoor Cats

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices   May 2013 An indoor cat cannot be hit by a car, be chewed by a dog, be poisoned by garden chemicals, or pick up a fatal viral disease from a stray cat. Despite these benefits, many people are hesitant to restrict their cats to an indoor environment. They worry that…



 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices March 2013 What drives a dog to eat feces? Is he lacking something in his diet? Is he bored or starving for attention? Is he unhealthy? Coprophagy is the act of eating feces, either one’s own or the feces of another animal. This behaviour is common, so common that every dog…