Seniors 101 Exiting New Helpline
After 12 years Seniors 101 continues to evolve and respond to the needs of our users.
After 12 years Seniors 101 continues to evolve and respond to the needs of our users.
If you are caring for loved ones who suffer from Alzheimer’s you might have experienced feelings of helpless anxiety when they inexplicably wander off and you can’t find them.
One of the most critical places to have a caregiver with you is during a hospital stay. Many people find this a surprising concept.
If your senior loved one has received an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, there are a few things you can do to help preserve his or her cognitive health.
The health benefits of exercise are extraordinarily well documented. Regular exercise lowers your risk of a stroke by 27%, reduces instances of both high blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease by 40%, cuts your chance of developing diabetes by 50%, and lowers your risk of developing colon cancer by a whopping 60%.
Overall, many older adults are capable of driving safely, even into their seventies and eighties. But people age differently. Several factors place seniors at much greater risk for road accidents.
Are you laughing less than you used to? Are your days growing grey with the weight of responsibility for the person you are caring for? Does it feel like you’re growing disconnected from them?
It’s really exciting to see things picking up again. This year, we are getting so many reports about an upswing in the economy and everywhere we go “SOLD” signs are proving that the real estate market is booming.
This weekend we are supposed to contemplate how lucky we are to live in British Columbia. That’s the theory, anyway.
The Presidential election campaign that is currently underway in America is truly frightening.