Elder Financial Abuse
Isolated adults are vulnerable to elder financial abuse but conversation can help drive change.
Isolated adults are vulnerable to elder financial abuse but conversation can help drive change.
To my American Friends and Family
In case anyone asks you who a Canadian is . . . You probably missed it in the local news, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan had advertised in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian – any Canadian.
In recent years wool has enjoyed a great surge in popularity.
The Mid-Island organization Haven Society has seen an uptick in calls to its crisis line.
“Each year, the first week of June in British Columbia is declared Seniors’ Week.
Exploitation and abuse of seniors and vulnerable adults is a big concern – not just in BC but worldwide.
For years, every temporary measure that spins homeless from street to park to hotel to street has failed and cost taxpayers millions in cleanup of degraded parks, vandalized hotels and policing threatened neighborhoods.
Since BC’s new whistleblowing protection law came into effect in December 2019, current and former provincial government employees have been coming to the Ombudsperson with enquiries, seeking advice,
Cohousing in the Time of COVID-19 by Patricia Sparks – Equity Member, West Wind Harbour Cohousing