Adam Olsen

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Deregulating the environment is bad for the economy

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices May 2014 “If we want to do what the big polluters and their indentured servants in Ottawa or Washington DC want us to do, which is treat the planet as if it was a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash as quickly as possible, have a few years…


Oil trafficking: Playing Russian roulette with BC’s environment and economy

 Archive ∙ Back to Island Voices March 2014   Days before the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the west coast’s signature oil spill, a barge carrying “heavy oil” collided with another ship spilling approximately nearly 650,000 litres into the water around Galveston and Texas City, south of Houston, Texas. Then, on Monday we were reminded of the…