Assistance offered to Island small business’


The Covid- 19 restrictions now in place are having a particularly devastating effect on small Island farmers, artisans and businesses.

These Islanders  play a huge role in making our communities what they are.

 To assist them now and to help them to promote themselves for the future when this current challenge ends, because it will end, we would like to offer the following at no cost. 

For our Farmers we would like to put a listing for you in our “Island Farmers & Farm Markets” section:-

For artisans and small business’ we would like to put a listing for you on Vancouver Island Now: – in whichever  community you operate in.

 Also for those with on-line sales capabilities we will list you in the “On-line Sales” section. 

To do this send us your  name, what you sell, location and contact information,  including your web page if you have one; plus your logo, image or a photo that you like to use  to

Let’s use this unfortunate hiatus to ensure we not only weather the storm, but we emerge stronger and more invigorated to serve.


 Shop local, Buy Canadian.