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December 2011

We all have them…we all make them…and the question is do we make them from love or fear?

At this time of year when we celebrate a birth of a child, the return of Light to the planet and the “idea” of peace and good will towards mankind”, we are eager and joy-filled with love and anticipation. Good wishes abound. Our life cycle returns year after year to this celebration and intention and then “the business of life “creeps slowly back in as the new year takes hold.

In this “taking hold’ we are back in the fear place of worry: re finances, the market, health issues, competition, how to get more, family and education requirements and a myriad of life necessities that demand our attention. We buckle down, suck it up, close our hearts…and get on with it.

Until…we again come to this special time in our yearly cycle that gives us reason and permission to celebrate, open our hearts and once again have hope, feel joy and release love and generosity.

Our cultures, religions and governments are built and nurtured on fears. We are spoon-fed fear from the crib…all in the name of love and protecting us.

Our cultures, religions and governments in the “name of protecting us” create, fund and encourage financial misdeeds on a massive scale, battles and wars that torture, maim, and kill in the name of keeping us safe from???, and create levels of “fear” alerts and language that is intended to keep us separate from our innate knowingness of love and that includes the feelings of when to be cautious, trust, relax, enjoy and live fully.

Choices= Freedom !!! When you give your choice to “something or someone” to make decisions in your name because you are afraid/don’t want to do the research to be better informed/too busy to take a stand/ or too lazy to vote (and that is a vote!) you will surely reap the consequences…the government you deserve…the job lost…the money absconded with…the relative/friend killed.


So… is it…..

LOVE: Birth, Breath, Life, Respect, Creativity, Joy, Empathy, Trust, Wholeness, Harmony, Compassion, Generosity, Causing & Creating No Harm

FEAR: Separation, Protection, Powerless, Ignorance, Arrogance, Weakness, Anger, Distrust, Bullying, Greed, Indifference, Apathy, Killing, Isolation, Power-over Behaviours

Life is challenging; and in this season of love and light…resolve to take your precious life back…from whomever/whatever you have given it to. Be the Love, the harmony, the kindred spirit, the good neighbour, the fabulous parent and the wise choice-maker you were born to be and protect that part of yourself for yourself and your world…from Love, in Love and with Love for All.

Contact Morganne at 250-923-0084 or nharmony@telus.net


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