An exciting new way to promote community. features information about our local organizations, churches, recreational facilities, schools and more. provides details about every business in Chemainus, starting with an easy-to-use business directory. Every business in Chemainus will be listed in this directory at no charge to the business., a site that has been around for almost three decades, now includes a news component, providing the latest updates about what is happening in our town. Local business information, news from the Municipality and the latest on the entertainment and sports fronts will be featured daily on features information about our local organizations, churches, recreational facilities, schools and more. There will be a calendar of events and a section on the history of Chemainus. is the go-to website for local residents looking for products and services, tourists seeking information about the community, and even people who are considering relocating to the Island.
For a community to be meaningful there needs to be a sense of belonging and awareness of the issues that matter and effect our daily lives
For this to happen there needs to be a means of communication and informing each other in the now of what we as individuals, groups or organizations are doing. We need to be able to spread the word locally to those that live, work or play here in Chemainus.
The role of local newspapers has greatly changed over recent years to the point of disappearing all together. To correct this sad state of affairs welcome to is dedicated solely to what is happening right here in Chemainus.
This is an easy simple way for you and others to know what is happening around us in our community. is locally owned operated, so please join with us to ensure local news and happenings are readily and easily available for all of us right here in Chemainus.
For more information or help to promote matters that are useful to all of us please contact us at