Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation Raises Funds for Seniors’ Broken Transportation.

This Senior’s month Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation (NDHF) is asking for help to brighten the days for our senior community with a campaign that launches today and runs through Senior’s Month which is honoured this June.

A goal of $50,000 is urgently needed to be put to repairs and upgrades to Dufferin, Eagle Park, and Trillium Long Term Care Centres. For two years residents of Dufferin LTC have been without a workable bus, and without the funds to cover the costs of repairs, it has made the ability to leave their centre near impossible.

In addition, outdoor seating furnishings and simple gardening equipment are all on the wish list for funds raised through the campaign.

“The days can be very long when you don’t have the tools like transportation readily available to go on field trips and outings, shared Danica Zaric Activities Coordinator, Dufferin Place. “Going to a pub or a restaurant, taking in a community event like music in the park just makes them feel human again. We are so grateful to be working with the team at NDHF and to this incredible community who we know will come together to make the days of LTC residents brighter,” added Zaric.

The NDHF team asked the current Long Term Care residents what would brighten their day, and here is what some of the senior’s shared:

“I love being out in nature and I used to drive up and down the Island for work.  It would be great to have a way to go for a drive instead of just going places in my wheelchair”

Les, Trillium Lodge resident.

I miss our bus!  I wish I could sit by Departure Bay beach, have a burger, and just people-watch”

Shirley, Dufferin Place resident

“I like to visit with my wife outside on the patio, and it would be easier to do so with comfortable furniture”

Bob, Eagle Park resident.

“I used to garden a lot. I would like to be able to get out in the gardens more and plant”

Janine, Trillium Lodge resident.

Over 400 seniors with diverse medical and support needs call these centres home and with an aging population the demand and waitlists are incredibly long for admittance to these centres.

As Manager of Strategic Initiatives at NDHF the campaign has been stewarded by Karen McCarthy who firsthand has experienced the resource challenges currently facing Long Term Care Centres.

“My mother was a resident of a LTC, which gave me a very close window into the incredible need of our centres, and how simple daily luxuries we might take for granted are critical to making their days brighter,” shared McCarthy.

Donations made during the month of June will direct fund long term care upgrades to and transform into brighter moments for our senior community.

Donate today at or by phoning 250-755-7690.

About Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation

The Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation was founded to support Island Health facilities. Today, we are raising millions to support our region’s healthcare facilities by leading major fundraising campaigns for critical medical equipment, construction projects and programs that provide the best and highest level of healthcare to the residents in central and north Vancouver Island.

Seniors 101 Community Resource Guide

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